Wednesday, June 06, 2007

'Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station

"Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place where they’re far more suited than here"

I just love that. So clever. And SO true. I have several bloggers that I read on a regular basis and I'm just in awe a bit. They are so good at capturing my attention, painting pictures with words, and making me want more. And there are several others I wish would blog more often. I wish I had that talent. I feel a bit lost with that. I don't have a 'talent'. Bummer if I'm 80 before I find out what it is.

That's not why I'm here today.

I'm here because I'm not cool. Somehow I doubt that anyone else dwells on this as much as I do. Feeling confident in your own skin... that's hard for me and I hate it. I think it's hindered by my desire to be loved by everyone. And I'm not. This is obvious by the fact that we can invite like 15 people over and only two come. It's sad really. I've got several friends that I don't care what they want to do, I'm there. "What, come over to sacrifice a goat in a ritual attempt to ward off evil spirits? I'm so there". I think maybe this is something cool that I've been missing out on, because I'm not in the know. Really it's just about spending time together... Just something on my mind today.

That and I really miss singing. Yeah, we sing every Sunday at church, standing in the sanctuary, one huddled mass. But it's not the same. I want someone to say "Hey Lori, I'm trying to put something together and really need a female voice in the mix. You interested?" That would be awesome.

Earlier when I thought "I want to blog today" this was not at all what I was thinking about but this is what came out... ummm.


Mr. Browning said...

YOU have talent sweetie!

It's called being my favorite person in the WORLD!!

you're THE BEST at that!

Oh, and you do have MANY of other talants as well. Far too many to list here.

I love ya!

ruminations of a redhead said...

Graham is sweet. :)

And I agree with him. You have a gazillion talents that no one else comes close to! (like sopapilla-making, goat-laughing, dip-making, not to mention the thousands of other things that are lori-unique.) But I can definitely relate to being uncomfortable in my own skin. One day, we'll be totally comfortable with who and what we are, that we won't care who loves us and how....someday. :)