Friday, June 29, 2007

Welcome to Clutzville, population 'me'

My sister is getting married in October. A perfect catalyst for getting myself in shape. I'm made an agreement with my other sister to keep each other accountable in our eating healthier/exercising endeavor. We've stopped eating before bed which for me is HUGE. If you know me you know I like nothing more than to sit down in front of the tube and munch whilst enjoying some Buffy or Angel at the end of a stressful day.

My sister has been walking a lot and says she's seeing some progress. I, on the other hand, am not having much success.

So today I decided to go for a little jog. Approx. a mile, in my neighborhood, which is scary in and of itself. But I did it. Feeling pretty proud of myself I headed down the hill towards my house. I noticed a shiny little face peering out a front room window, waiting for my return. As I hopped up into the yard to surprise my little one I stepped in a sink hole and SPLAT!, fell flat on my face. Classy.

I'm sure my little old lady neighbor say everything and if I were her I'd have been rolling with laughter. Ugh.


ruminations of a redhead said...

OMG. That is halarious! You should ask Tori about this very thing... the same thing happened to her, except she practically broke her foot and hasn't run since. :)

But I'm really proud of you for doing it!!!

Tori said... SHOULD ask me about this. When I was getting ready to go to Athens in 2004, I decided to get in shape since we'd have to walk everywhere. So, like 6 weeks before we left, i decided to start running. I got up one weekday morning and started jogging and running a few blocks around the neighborhood. When I was like 3 houses away from being back home, I slipped in some sort of pothole, and heard something crack. I was on crutches for the next 6 weeks, almost up to the day we left on our trip. And THAT was the day I quit running. For-ev-er.